Everyday Stories of Bravery

Image of an adolescent boy, roughly 10 years old, covered in mud and clutching a football. The caption reads, "What does it mean to be brave?"

People often think that bravery is about doing big things like fighting lions or jumping out of airplanes. But sometimes, just showing up when it counts is the bravest thing you can do. Through May, June and July, BraveryBooks is collecting stories of everyday bravery. Please leave your comments below or share your everyday story of bravery by emailing Erin: Erin@BraveryBooks.com. Collected stories will be shared out in July. Let’s lift each other up!

Screenshot of video footage from the Pittsburgh Festival of Books. This cover image captures the Bravery Books display table with a bright red table cloth and various Bravery Books titles displayed.
Cover image for video interviewing two festival attendees at the 2024 Pittsburgh Festival of Books
Cover image for video from the Pittsburgh Festival of Book interview on Everyday Bravery

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